Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'm open to suggestions...

What do you think of the new background? I'm not sure if the pale text on the darker background is a bit hard on the eyes...

And, while I'm at it, if anyone has any other suggestions for things they'd like to see on this blog, or anything I could do differently to make this blog a more enjoyable experience for you as a reader, please do feel free to speak up! :) I'd love to hear from you.

And welcome to each of my new followers, and thank you! :) I'd blog about polish just for the sheer fun of it (and because I'm pretty much hopelessly obsessed and need an outlet for my babbling) , even if nobody read my blog, but knowing that you all liked my blog enough to want to follow it makes the whole blogging experience about a zillion times more fun...Everything's more fun when you get to share it with somebody... I'll do my best to keep this quiet little corner of the polish-blogging world enjoyable for you!


  1. I think this background looks great, but as you already said, it can be hard on the eyes. If you're used to writing a lot of text, then it might be a problem for some. Other than that, it's great!

    About the content of this blog. It's best to write/post about the things YOU find interesting. You can never do wrong with nice photos, though. We all like to look at the pretty pictures. =D

  2. Hi Lily,
    Just found your blog via the comment you left on mine! I love your profile description, and must confess that I also find myself using archaic phrases like "as such" and "thus" - so that made me laugh!
    I like the way your blog looks, but I usually keep up with my fave blogs on google reader so don't get to enjoy the backgrounds unless I'm leaving a comment.

  3. I really like your new background, and I don't find the text hard to read at all! I actually think white text on a darker background is easier on my eyes that black text on a white background.

  4. I love the background. The whole layout of your site is adorable!

  5. Nihrida: Thanks so much for commenting and sharing your advice, opinions, and ideas with me! :)I'll definitely consider what you've said.

    I'm still learning to fully use my camera, so I'm working toward taking better pictures. Sometimes I've wondered if I include too many pictures with my posts, but then I remember that, like you said, we all like to see the pretty polish! :)

  6. ABOP: Hi, and welcome! :)How very interesting to "meet" someone else who's prone to using an archaic phrase or two now and then! I always explain mine by saying that I've read one too many Victorian novels in my time! ;D

    Thanks very much for commenting and sharing your opinions about my blog. :)

  7. Zara: Hmmmm...I hadn't considered that the white text might actually be easier on some people's eyes. That's very interesting! Thanks for letting me know! :)

  8. Veronica: Aawww...thank you so much! That's really kind of you to say so. :)

    And thanks for commenting!:)


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