Sorry for my abrupt disappearance over the past week or so; I haven't given up and abandoned my blog, despite how it may look. I've been having some pretty serious trouble with my internet connection, which, combined with some camera difficulties (mainly caused by me being a bit of an idiot noob about digital cameras) knocked me out of commission for a while as far as posting or commenting goes.
But...I'm back...and I have a beauty of a polish to show you all today. Well, a hidden beauty. Let me explain...
When I saw Prince Ala Charm tucked into a display at Sally's earlier this summer, it was love at first sight - or at least strong like at first sight. Such a pretty, shimmery, glistening blue. I have a weakness for blue...and shimmer. Done deal. I brought it home and tucked it into my untried stash.
And dug it out yesterday and tried it on. And promptly fell right out of love. My prince was a frog! Even though it doesn't look it in the bottle, it's sheer. Extremely, extremely sheer. Seven-desperate-coats-and-still-not-bottle-color-or-opaque sheer. Not at all pretty, just very washed-out looking. So, determined to make this doomed relationship work somehow (yeah, I have relationship drama with my polishes; I
said I had a passion for nail polish, and I meant it! ;) I tried layering it over white. No dice. It was a little less sheer, but still disappointingly blah and watery-looking.
I was about to give up and resign it to my small never-to-be-worn-again polish box, when I figured: Well, why not see how it looks over black? And this is what happened:

With the kiss of a layer of black polish, my frog turned back into a prince - a gorgeous, shimmering, almost glass-flecked looking blue prince! It reminds me of the color of a blue morpho butterfly's wings (which I meant to add a picture of for comparison, but I forgot, and now I don't think my internet connection will hold up long enough to add it in.) Here it is with flash, since there was no sun to be found today:

And here, again with flash and deliberately blurred so youo can get an idea of the beautiful depth and shimmer:

So my fairy-tale romance with Prince Ala Charm had a happy ending after all; I just have to remember the next time I want to wear it, to layer it over black or another darker color. It's practically pointless on its own. All pics are three coats layered over Wet'n'Wild black polish plus top coat.
So glad to be back to blogging again; I've really missed it, and all the beautiful blogs I read regularly.